定海谈 | 作为民族志的噶伦堡:来自别处的书写

定海谈 定海桥 1月19日

定海谈 Dinghai Talk 089



Kalimpong as Ethnography: 

Writing from Elsewhere

Historical Kalimpong from 1933 


讲述 Speaker:Prem Poddar 


Discussants: Liang Jie, Lisa Lindkvist Zhang


Hosts: Chen Yun 

时间:2018年1月21日周日14:00 - 17:00 

Time: 14:00 - 17:00, Jan 21 Sun, 2018 


Venue: No. 252, Dinghaigang Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 


Lanuage: English with Chinese Translation 


Register: Reply us "Talk89+ Name + Tel." 

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This talk is an attempt to give you a sense of some work I have been doing in the last 2 years or so. It relates to the border town of Kalimpong (噶伦堡), which became quite central in terms of China-India interactions. (Incidentally this was also the town where I grew up as a boy) . The talk today relates to how the Eastern Himalayas in particular, and India in general, have been written and imagined. I am particularly interested in how the Himalayas, seen from there, that is, on the other side of China, look when seen through the lens of the colonial, local-national and transnational writings, whichever disciplines these texts might come from. Here I am going to present to you, broadly these three— colonial, national, transnational— moments, in terms of the three vectors that form the kernel of my paper. These vectors or directions attempt in their own ways to narrate the space of Kalimpong.



Prem Poddar

— Speaker 讲者 —

Prem Poddar is Professor in Cultural Encounters at Roskilde University in Denmark, and Alexander von Humboldt Senior Fellow. He has taught in India, Britain, and Denmark where he was Associate Professor in Postcolonial Studies. He is the author of many books and is currently working on one relating to India-China interfaces. His continuing interest in ‘state’ and ‘nation’ as conceptual contexts for analyzing cultural representation forms the centre of his forthcoming work on the politics of the passport. 

Prem Poddar是丹麦罗斯基勒大学研究文化遭遇的学者和亚历山大·冯·洪堡高级研究员。他曾在印度、英国和丹麦任教,在丹麦曾为后殖民研究副教授。他是许多书的作者,并正研究印中界面相关课题。他对作为概念语境的“国家”和“民族”,并被用于分析文化表征形式有持续的兴趣,为他即将出版的关于护照政治的著作的核心。

Picture from the late 1950s 1950年代末的噶伦堡照片Alleyway in Kalimpong 噶伦堡的巷弄

View of Kalimpong today 今日的噶伦堡

Present day Chinese Cemetry in Kalimpong






